The Future of Media par Casaleggio Associati

« The Future of Media », ce docu-fiction réalisé par la société italienne de webmarketing Casaleggio Associati, explique l’avènement de Prometeus qui englobera le nouveau monde media.

La vidéo « The Future of Media » est aussi disponible en espagnol, en italien et en japonais sur le site de Casaleggio Associati.

Les étapes que j’ai préférées sont notamment :

  • The media arena is less and less populated. Only the Tyrannosaurus Rex survives. The Net includes and unifies all the content. Google buys Microsoft.
    Amazon buys Yahoo! and become the world universal content leaders with BBC, CNN and CCTV.
  • Around 2011 the tipping point is reached: the publicity investments are done on the Net. The electronic paper is a mass product: anyone can read anything on plastic paper.
  • In 2015 newspapers and broadcasting television disappear, digital terrestrial is abandoned, the radio goes on the Internet.
  • In 2022 Google launches Prometeus, the Agav standard interface.
  • Amazon creates Place, a company that replicates reality. You can be on Mars, at the battle of Waterloo, at the Super Bowl as a person. It’s real.
  • In 2027 Second Life evolves into Spirit. People become who they want.
  • In 2050 Prometeus buys Place and Spirit. Virtual life is the biggest market on the planet. Prometeus finances all the space missions to find new worlds for its customers: the terrestrial avatar.
  • Experience is the new reality.

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